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The majestic statue of Columbus at the entrance (southern border) of Providence was so impressive ... with the horrible riots over the 2020 year (usually via young hoodlums and mis-guided phone monsters) could of been enhanced as a Plaza of the 1492 era with other characters and plaques that would be a rich navigational and geo-political perspective to that area.

Hooray for the Mayor and People of Johnston for reinventing a destination for the 15th Century Explorer and the quick thinking and philanthropic act by former Providence Mayor Joe Paolino, Jr. (I believe a 1985 U.S. JAYCEE MAYOR of the YEAR) is epic.

Unfortunately, we have many young/middle-age and some older folks that like to recreate history, accentuate the bad portions and lack the human rights of RESPECT for others - and such PUBLIC properties (witness the smash & grab crap from such bogus types in these major cities) in helping to make our Country, Communities and locales a more safe, secure and pleasant place to reside ... for all of us.

P.S. Some of our neighbors - focusing in today schools - should look to the S.T.E.M.M. of volunteerism, civic engagement and charitable discipline to make their lives far more productive, interesting and shared values.

From: Christopher Columbus lands on Johnston

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