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Meg Underwood, the wonderful public servant Rick Corrente rightfully applauds in this article is quoted in the piece discussing the City being in charge of allocating funds to senior services. If she was afraid of any cuts or level funding from Mayor Solomon in the budget she would certainly advocate on behalf of our seniors for more funds. In fact when asked about this she said:

"Mayor Solomon is committed to strengthening and expanding senior services" - Meg Underwood

I don't hear worry from Meg Underwood. If there was she'd no doubt be stating so. This wonderful public servant who should be applauded, and is also the Director of Senior Services, its safe to say she knows a thing or two about the best care for our seniors. She believes in Mayor Solomon's commitment, and desire to expand services, that says alot.

Rick Corrente won't have to hire her as a grant writer because he isn't going to win the election. What a glance into the ego of Rick Corrente. Not only that he's "hiring staff" for a job he won't win, but the biggest assumption being that Meg Underwood would not only leave her job as Director of Senior Services, but that she would ever want to work for "The Tax Delinquents Mayor', especially after the dishonest, gutter, smear campaign he's run against a good man like Joe Solomon. Rick Corrente calls Joe Solomon "a friend" , yet he calls him a "political insider" and "a flip flopper". Imagine a guy who never pays his taxes on time actually questioning the motives of a decades long public servant? What kind of "friend" would take cheap, dishonest political shots at somebody just to try and "earn" a few votes? Shameful. Again, more insight into the character of Rick Corrente. In 4 years it seems that being late on tax payments, water and sewer bills while loaning your campaign over $40,000 is the real "Corrente Plan".

One more note...

Rick Corrente can spare me the lectures on how he cares about our seniors. Corrente racked up $13,000 in delinquent taxes over 2 years. Some of our most vulnerable seniors struggle with providing food and affording certain prescriptions. Rick Corrente racks up $13,000 in delinquent taxes and loans his campaign $40,000. Why can he afford to loan his campaign money? Yet he cannot afford his car/property taxes? That doesn't sound like a citizen concerned about our seniors, that sounds more like a pathological liar. Someone who in their own mind believes they are some advocate for the people, who believes they have accomplished so much and have reached "many". When the reality is you have run an empty campaign full of lies and distorted, disproven claims.There is no limit to the amount of dishonesty and pure fiction spread by the Corrente campaign, while ignoring his own history of litigation losses, tax delinquency and unpaid bills. Warwick doesn't need a "mortgage guy" who lost his home to foreclosure.

From: State funding to senior center could double

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