Keyword: email
7 results total, viewing 1 - 7
Dear Cranston Public Schools community, Welcome Back to School! I'm thrilled to welcome you to the 2024 school year! Our school district has been around since 1828, and while much has changed … more
To the Editor, So, I hope that immediately, everyone who has started a“RIDOT gets perks?” Yes, thaey do. At that same agency, we complain about every snowstorm, every pothole, and, … more
To the Editor, Rhode Island has the distinction of being the only state in New England where no state-owned forests are protected from logging. Instead, the Rhode Island Department of … more
STORY OF THE WEEK: Back in the day, the approach of the end of February would signal the time for the Providence Newspaper Guild Follies – the bygone annual satiric sendup of the year in Rhode … more
To the Editor, February 20, 2024 marked twenty one years since the horrific Station Nightclub fire which caused one hundred people to die and two hundred more to be injured. This appalling, … more
To the editor, NAMI members that have had the procedure called ECT/electroshock now have an opportunity to pursue medical malpractice claims or participate in a national product liability suit … more
Dear Editor I would like to publicly and personally thank Mayor Hopkins, Gina Capuano, and those who were involved in cleaning the business zoned property, on Independence Way this past weekend. … more