Keyword: financing
7 results total, viewing 1 - 7
STORY OF THE WEEK: Back in the day, the approach of the end of February would signal the time for the Providence Newspaper Guild Follies – the bygone annual satiric sendup of the year in Rhode … more
Prices have risen everywhere in the last few years and several school projects are costing far more than originally projected, requiring just more funding to get across the finish line. The … more
A resolution sponsored by Mayor Ken Hopkins to allocate $600,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds across all six City Wards for the purposes of playground upgrades and repairs was brought … more
At Monday night’s Finance Committee meeting Ed Collins, chief of facilities management and capital projects for Cranston schools, updated the committee on the current status of school … more
Mayor Ken Hopkins welcomed Thomas Zidelis as Cranston’s new Finance Director; Zidelis began his new duties on Oct. 17. “I am very pleased to welcome Tom Zidelis to City Hall as he … more
After six months without a finance director, the City Council unanimously approved Thomas Zidelis, 58, for the position Thursday evening during a special meeting. Zidelis, Mayor Ken Hopkins choice … more
In a 5 to 3 vote Thursday, council members denied the advice and consent of Robert Zarnetske for the position of Cranston’s finance director. Zarnetske has … more