Keyword: off the top
16 results total, viewing 1 - 16
So, the time has come. It may have only been eight months, but I’ve really gotten into the groove here at the paper.  In fact, it’s only been in the last few months that … more
I can’t say Halloween is my favorite holiday. Not that I have anything against it. I just like cooking, and a ghastly night of frights doesn’t require much baking or chefery. If … more
It was about noon on Sunday when I began to noticed it. I had only woken up a few hours earlier and I thought that I might be hungover. If so, it would be my first time in over a year as I … more
I have to be honest. I wasn’t exactly jumping with joy at the idea of running a forum for the candidates of the Ward 6 City Council race. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against … more
I don’t dare to have an opinion on the purchase of the Park Theatre. I don’t live in Cranston. I don’t put my tax dollars into the city’s pocket. I don’t meddle in … more
As we get older we leave things behind. Friends slowly fall out of our lives and we make new ones. Childish aspirations and dreams evolve and become grounded in reality by actual experience. The … more
I’m a big guy. As with most people of my size, I put out a lot of heat. I’m sure you’ve heard people say that they would sweat peeling an orange. While that isn’t, … more
It’s been a few weeks since I wrote one of these. I’m not sure if it was because I haven't had anything to say or because I have too much. I’m also not sure which would be better. … more
Those are the words my boyfriend’s nephew said at the Father’s Day barbecue we attended at my one day, hopefully, sister-in-law’s house. Personally, I thought they were a bit … more
So, it has been a long time since I haven’t lived with roommates of one kind or another. Even before my leg-breaking car accident I’d moved back in with my parents… as so many … more
As I approach the age of 37 I realize more and more that I’m never going to feel financially secure. I have worked steadily, day after day, since I was 16 years old. I’ve never been one … more
As much as I love eating, I’m not one to write restaurant reviews. What people look for in an experience dining out differs so greatly that reviews can be so subjective and not catch what … more
In a recent game of trivia I was tasked with naming up to ten federal holidays in 60 seconds. I managed to name four. I know that sounds crazy, but after Christmas, Thanksgiving and finally Easter … more
So, It’s pretty clear to anyone who spends more than five minutes with me that I’m not exactly athletic. At six feet tall and a little over 250 pounds, I’ve never been one for … more
It’s hard to imagine that only seven months ago I broke both of my legs. Driving home from work one night I blinked, and the next thing I knew I was on my back in an ambulance with several very … more
It’s only been a few weeks since I’ve taken on my new role as the editor of the Cranston Herald, and I’ve been enjoying it for the most part. Sure, the hours aren’t the … more