Keyword: treasurer
174 results total, viewing 1 - 20
Whether you are a discerning collector or someone helping settle a family estate you always wonder what your options are when it comes to selling. When bringing any antiques or collectibles to market … more
As I left off in my last article on cataloging Bunker Hill documents and searching in the newspapers, on May 1, 1822, the land on Breeds Hill had been purchased and an association formed to make … more
In my last blog I shared a few newspaper articles published in the early 19th century relating to the Battle stories from Bunker Hill. As mentioned before, I started my research with 27,000 hits and … more
There is one harmoniously inherent trend in every collector regardless of category: We all love to get a deal. The thrill of finding something vastly underpriced compared to the next guy is the … more
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the Battle of “Bunker” Hill loss petitions I had been cataloging in my files. I’ve also been doing newspaper searches to add more information by date … more
If you are a dedicated reader of this article over the past six plus years, then you know the one collectible that gets me excited more than anything else is robots. Not just any robot though, … more
I’ve recently been cataloging loss petitions for the Battle of Bunker (or Breed’s) Hill I’ve been compiling for some time. They are scattered through the volumes of documents at the … more
Regardless of what you like to invest in, every market is cyclical in that it goes through periods of peaks and valleys. Markets are always changing, and it is our job to monitor them. Of all the … more
Many times, I’ve been asked about musket balls and how they fit in the bore of a gun during the American Revolution. Unlike today where the bullet fits tightly into a rifled bore, this was not … more
Everyone has their opinion on what a “comic con” or “comic show” means to them. What you expect to see, who you expect to see, what you are going to do. These are the factors … more
For me, Patriot’s Day goes on all year long. I’ve been infatuated with the American Revolution since I was a 7-year-old kid and was in Concord and Lexington for the 200th anniversary. … more
As an auction house, the core part of our business in which we acquire material to sell is by going on house calls. A “house call” is simply when someone makes an appointment for us to … more
A Trip to Fort Ticonderoga A couple of weeks ago I took a drive up to Fort Ticonderoga to do some research. I hadn’t been there since 2014, so I was looking forward to getting up there … more
If you are a frequent reader of my articles, then you have heard me mention the name “Andy Yanchus” a time or two. Andy was a lifelong collector, a true archivist of everything and … more
One thing that took me a long time to realize is what is common knowledge to one person can be mind blowing to another. Today’s topic is one I feel fits that description perfectly. You would be … more
Every March the Maryland Arms Collectors Association holds their annual antique arms show at the state fairgrounds in Timonium, Maryland. It’s a great time to search the show tables for … more
As appraisers and auctioneers, it is our job to absorb information like a sponge and recall it on demand. Especially with how quickly trends change and new markets bloom; it can be difficult to know … more
A few weeks ago, Jonathan and I had a house call to pick up a collection near Richmond, Virginia. We decided after we drove through Washington, DC., we would stop at the National Museum of the Marine … more
After writing a few articles about our live-fire studies of Revolutionary War-era arms, one was shared on an archaeology social media page and a question was asked about flints: Were the flints being … more
When in the wild as a picker, there is nothing more exciting (while simultaneously frustrating) than an estate sale. In all honesty, I personally hate them. The thought of waking up at 2:00am or even … more
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