Keyword: investigation
4 results total, viewing 1 - 4
Rhode Island Attorney General Peter F. Neronha announced last week that a Massachusetts man has been sentenced in Kent County Superior Court to serve 19 years at the Adult Correctional Institutions … more
Cranston’s Ward 2 has a new city councilwoman. Following the resignation of former councilwoman Aniece Germain last week, Kristen E. Haroian, formerly the Ward 2 representative of the Cranston … more
Cranston police officers were among those who attended training courses run by an organization now banned in nine states for its advocacy of unethical policing strategies and discriminatory rhetoric. … more
STORY OF THE WEEK: Back in the day, the approach of the end of February would signal the time for the Providence Newspaper Guild Follies – the bygone annual satiric sendup of the year in Rhode … more