Keyword: mail
67 results total, viewing 1 - 20
Dear Cranston Public Schools community, Welcome Back to School! I'm thrilled to welcome you to the 2024 school year! Our school district has been around since 1828, and while much has changed … more
To the Editor, I am a Cranston resident and have lived in my home for 47 years, which is located two blocks from the Cranston Police Gun Range. For the entire month of September, the … more
To the Editor, Proper planning and research is key to good land-use programs. Can it be done? Is it legal? How about the neighbors? When a developer comes before the City Council with crazy … more
To the Editor, Name one worthwhile thing Kamala Harris has accomplished as Vice President. That’s my challenge to state Senator Mark McKenney. In his recent op-ed, Senator McKenney … more
To the Editor, So, I hope that immediately, everyone who has started a“RIDOT gets perks?” Yes, thaey do. At that same agency, we complain about every snowstorm, every pothole, and, … more
To the Editor, Will Democrats decide to dump Kamala Harris, their current queen for a day, before the November election? It’s entirely possible. I suspect that Kamala, who can’t … more
To the Editor, Rhode Island has the distinction of being the only state in New England where no state-owned forests are protected from logging. Instead, the Rhode Island Department of … more
To the Editor, A grassroots group of Progressive Democrats are attempting to sabotage the current ballot election system.  Across the country, they are introducing legislation to implement … more
To the Editor, Mayor Hopkins recently vetoed a zoning change in Alpine Estates which a group of neighbors have opposed for decades. The zoning change would have more than doubled the number of … more
To the Editor, The residents of Alpine Estates have fought against a zoning change on abutting land for decades. This fight has taken countless hours and appearances in front of the Cranston … more
To the Editor, Why is the city of Warwick allowing individuals to set off illegal fireworks every 4th of July without arrests being made? Why aren’t officers enforcing Rhode Island … more
To the Editor;   “Hope” being our state motto, it’s very fitting that we never wanted to give up hope in finding a way to save Linn Health and Rehabilitation from … more
To the Editor; The defeat of legislation to establish an office of Rhode Island Inspector General is a profound disappointment for those who strive for transparency, accountability, and good … more
To the Editor, It used to be you could set your clock by it. The first jet took off at 6 a.m. from T. F. Green. Over the past few years the time has gradually crept backwards. One morning a … more
To the Editor, Israel has to eliminate Hamas. That is the only just and proportionate response to the genocidal slaughter of innocent Israeli civilians that took place on October 7th, 2023. … more
Dear Mr. Maine and students, Congratulations to all of you who took the time and put forth such sincere effort in examining this year’s Gaspee Committee’s essay question: … more
To the Editor: In a letter (published on) May 16 (“Dems trying to tip the scales”) AH Liddle pointedly asks what Beacon readers think of Democrats via “an endless series of … more
An article appearing on May 4th of this year, in the Providence Journal, discussed at length recent legislation introduced by Sen. Alana DiMArio, Sen. Meghan Kallman and Rep. Rebecca Kislak, all of … more
J&T’s Restaurant and Crystal Vizcaino would like to thank Joe Swift and the Johnston Lions club for all their donations, Marilynn and Mekka Domenico for their efforts, Tammy Todd and Nellie … more
The May 8 letter to the editor titled “Say ’No' to Rank Choice Voting” made several false assertions about ranked choice voting, and even botched its name. Ranked (not … more
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