

Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws 24-6-2 that a Public Hearing will be held before the PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE of the Cranston City Council to consider a petition for abandonment of a portion of Elmhurst Ave.  The subject property is depicted on the enclosed map and described in the attached legal description.

The public hearing will be held on Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Cranston City Hall Council Chambers, 869 Park Ave., Cranston RI.  Owners of the lands abutting any portion of the property to be abandoned are invited to be heard, for or against the abandonment, at the advertised time and place or may participate via Zoom Webinar by logging into the link below or by phone by calling any of the numbers listed below:

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Upon the Public Works Committee’s recommendation for approval, a public hearing will also be included as part of the next regular monthly meeting agenda of the full Cranston City Council.

A full copy of the petition, including the market value appraisal, is available for review in the Office of the City Clerk, Cranston City Hall, 869 Park Avenue, Room 207, Cranston, RI during normal business hours.

Lammis J. Vargas, Chair
Public Works Committee

Tracy A. Nelson, CMC
City Clerk

Any person with sensory impairments who will require auxiliary aid during the public hearings must notify the City Clerk’s office at least 48 hours before the hearing by calling (401) 780-3194.


February 14, 2024


That certain parcel of land together with all buildings and improvements thereon situated on the easterly side of Wood dale Avenue, City of Cranston, State of Rhode Island and is bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at an iron rod set on the easterly line of Wood dale Avenue, and the easterly comer by land owned now or formerly by Bryan White, (Lot 2951 AP. 12-5), said point being the most southeasterly comer of the herein described parcel;

thence, proceeding in a northwesterly direction, bounded southerly by, Bryan White land, (Lot 2951 AP. 12-5), a distance of 130.00 feet to an iron rod set;

thence, tnrning an interior angle of 90°00’00” and proceeding in a northeasterly direction, bounded northwesterly by Ehnhurst Avenue, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point;

thence, tnrning an interior angle of 90°00’00” and proceeding in a southeasterly direction, bounded northeasterly by land owned now or formerly by Rene Ann Brown & Tina Ann Higgins (Lot 1961 AP. 12-5), a distance of 130.00 feet to a point;

thence, tnrning an interior angle of90000’00” and proceeding in a southwesterly direction, bounded southeasterly by Wooddale Avenue, a distance of 50.00 feet to the point and place of beginning. The last course forming an interior angle of 90°00’00” with the first course herein described.

Said parcel contains 6,500 square feet as surveyed by Richard T. Bzdyra PLS# 1786 of Ocean

State Planners, Inc. Meaning and intending to describe the portion of area of Elmhurst Avenue to be abandonment, on that survey plan entitled: “Street Abandonment Plan, Portion of Elmhurst Avenue for Abandonment, AP. 12-51 Lot 295, 145 Wayland Avenue Cranston, R.I. 02920,

Scale: 1”~ 20’ Date: February 14, 2024, Prepared For: Bryan White 145 Wayland Avenue Cranston, R.I. 02920, Prepared By: Ocean State Planners, Inc. 1255 Oaklawn Avenue, Cranston R.I. 02920, Phone: (401) 463-9696, info@osplanners.com Job No. 9342.”


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