Amazing Grace, indeed!

Posted 2/23/22

Attending religious services prior to COVID seemed to be declining,with people choosing to worship God in their own homes or in their own ways. I can certainly understand that, coming from my own …

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Amazing Grace, indeed!


Attending religious services prior to COVID seemed to be declining,
with people choosing to worship God in their own homes or in their own ways. I can certainly understand that, coming from my own vagabond childhood where we would sit atop a mountain to worship
all the splendor below as our hearts overfl owed with love for God.

However, once a parent, it was important to join a regular church and raise my children within a religious community where they would be baptized, make their fi rst communion and confi rmation, and be
married, if they chose. It took me a while to fi nd the right church and religion that believes in love for ALL, including individuals with disabilities and those with gender differences. They purchased a large print

Bible for my son who is legally blind, and modifi ed Sunday School lessons accordingly.

For my son, Steven, who had such sensory integration issues he could not come out from under the pew to receive the sacrament,
the Pastor congenially bent down on her knees and gave it to him where he lay.

A sign language interpreter was provided for my daughter who is deaf, and she was welcomed with open arms even though she presented herself as male, not female from an early age.

With the children grown, it is still important to belong to a church in the company of others, even during this hateful epidemic.

The big difference, of course, has been the need to be socially distant and wear a mask. Even though the mask mandate has been lifted, our church council has voted to maintain this protective action in respect to the many church elders who are fearful of COVID. (As an aside, it has been noted that when people are over the age of 70, they say
religion is very important to them, 77% vs. 45% of 30 year olds.) If the elderly did not come every Sunday, the attendance would be down 50% so it is very important to meet their needs to feel safe. I admit wearing a mask and keeping my distance from my fellow pew mates has put a big damper on church for me.

Greeting each other with a handshake or a hug had always been a warm way to begin each service, but this has given way to waving at
each other from afar, a paltry way to bond socially.

Additionally, having mymouth covered hampered my ability to sing along with the hymns. A mediocre vocalist, the tunes and the words would fl ow softly, muffl ed by the piece of cloth covering my mouth, and scarcely heard by all. Attending church services during a pandemic has been limited, to say the least…until last Sunday.

Last Sunday, my seven-year-old granddaughter, Rosie, asked if she could come to church with me. Glad for the company, she came along, donning her mask as we entered the building. When it came time to greet one another, she excitedly made eye contact and waved at our pew neighbors.

Her enthusiasm was palpable, and I, too, was making REAL eye contact as my hand enthusiastically waved. I was smiling so broadly that my crinkled eyes could be seen above my mask. Greeting everyone else who had taken the time and effort to come to church was a joy again!

Singing was different, also. When it came time for the hymns and the organ began to play, Rosie started to sing with an angelic voice. It was so inspiring that I got goose bumps, as clearly there was a Spiritual component of her beautiful singing, crooning perfectly the words and notes she had never before seen or heard. Not letting the mask muffl e my own voice, I, too, was inspired and began to sing the songs with such clarity and enthusiasm the Spirit Herself must have been guiding me, and my soul ached with happiness.

Instead of lackadaisically attending church service in the future, depressed at the restrictions of COVID-19, I will participate with a full and happy heart, enjoying all of the good things church has to offer in spite of COVID-19! Amazing Grace indeed!


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