CHSE Announces the Class of 2013 top 10

Elisha Kay Aldrich
Posted 8/14/13

Amanda Way


At the top of Cranston High School East’s Class of 2013 is Amanda Way. Throughout her time at Cranston East, Way became a very well rounded student, joining athletic and …

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CHSE Announces the Class of 2013 top 10


Amanda Way


At the top of Cranston High School East’s Class of 2013 is Amanda Way. Throughout her time at Cranston East, Way became a very well rounded student, joining athletic and artistic extracurriculars. She even focused some of her time on her studies in medicine, which is her chosen career path.

“Ever since I can remember, I have wanted to become a doctor,” she said. “With this dream in mind, I pushed myself to be my very best so I could begin my journey towards medical school. There was never a moment where I stopped testing my limits to see how far I could go, and it has paid off.”

Way’s hard work and determination has definitely paid off: in the fall she will attend Brown University with a major in Neuroscience. She was also accepted into Brown’s selective Program in Liberal Medical Education, where she will also study for her master’s degree at Warren Alpert Medical School.

Way took part in many activities during her time at Cranston East. She was the lead scorer for varsity lacrosse, a representative on the class council, the mellophone captain and first chair oboe for the Thunderbolt Marching Band and concert band, took part in the Science Olympiad, and volunteered with both Miriam Hospital and Brown’s Neuroscience Research Labs. Way took part in figure skating as well, skating individually, with the Theatre on Ice program, and synchronized skating.

She also received many awards. Way was inducted into the National Honor Society, won the Harvard and Dartmouth book awards, the bronze medal at the Nations Cup for Theatre on Ice, was the State Game of America Figure Skating Champion, on All-State Academic Girl’s Lacrosse, the Cranston High School East Girl’s Lacrosse MVP 2013, received a superior rating at the Rhode Island Solo and Ensemble Music Festival, the Semper Fidelis Award for Musical excellence, The Rhode Island Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship Award, and the Rhode Island Polonia Scholarship Award.

Hannah Meharg

Cranston High School East’s Class of 2013 Salutatorian is Hannah Meharg. Meharg’s high school experience can be defined by a number of activities, including varsity soccer, varsity lacrosse, varsity indoor track, YUGA (Youth United for Global Action and Awareness,) Student Council, and Best Buddies. She was a captain for both the lacrosse and indoor track teams. While many of her memories of high school will come from her involvement in these extracurriculars, she believes she was motivated to excel by her sister.

“I do not think anything in particular motivated me to excel. I wanted to do my best and work my hardest and I believe this is what led to my high school success. I do, however, believe that my drive to work hard was inspired by my sister’s impressive determination to achieve high school success. Watching my sister work so hard certainly motivated me to work hard myself.”

Thanks to the inspiration from her sister, Meharg was able to achieve a number of titles and awards during her time at Cranston East. She was given the Scholastic Silver Key in Painting, was on the Division II Lacrosse Second Team, received the RIIL Academic All-State Lacrosse Award, was the Cranston High School East Athlete of the Month, received the AP Scholar Award, the Mayor’s Scholarship, the Ross Scholarship, and was invited to become a member of the National and Rhode Island Honor Societies.

Meharg will attend the University of Colorado at Boulder with an undecided major.

Darcy Davis

Ranking number three in her class is Darcy Davis. She will attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the fall, with a major in mechanical engineering. Her drive to excel was contributed by her siblings.

“My siblings inspire me to do my best. My parents are glad I do well, but try not to push me. I have a drive to do well because I know I can achieve anything if I try hard enough. What is the point of being in school if you do not try?”

Davis did indeed try. She was a member of the Science Club, the Mathletes, and the French Club, and received the music book award, along with becoming a member of National Honor Society.

Becklin Davis

Becklin Davis has grown an appreciation for learning as a whole throughout her high school career.

“I most remember learning about all the different people in the world. There are so many different personalities that exist. There are different ways to communicate and explain concepts. I will remember learning more about myself. Learning how to take a chance and just get myself to take risks even though I may be afraid. I know there is still much to come and I think high school really ignited my curiosity to find out what kind of people and opportunities there are out there.”

This appreciation earned Davis the number four spot in her class, along with many special awards. Davis was named the Best Math Student in School, recipient of the Pell Medal, the Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award, winner of two gold medals in the Science Bowl, placed fourth in the Forensics and Astronomy events in the Science Olympiad, and AP Scholar.

Davis was a member of the science club, the CHSE band, the math team, and the basketball team. She also played ultimate Frisbee outside of school with the RIPUL summer league.

She plans on attending the University of Southern California in the fall, with an undeclared engineering major.

Davy Huang

Davy Huang is ranked number five in Cranston High School East’s Class of 2013. Although he will attend Boston University as a biomedical engineering major in the fall, he will always remember the fun times he had at Cranston East.

“I will always remember the people I met at CHSE. Everyone here is so diverse and unique. Though sometimes bizarre, everyone here has a special and fascinating way of looking at the world. It is this trait that has made getting to know my community so fun and fulfilling. My classmates have truly made my experience here exhilarating and unpredictable. My only fear is no one in college will believe how much fun and how much confusion made up my time at Cranston High School East.”

Part of the fun that Huang had was because of the extracurriculars he participated in. Huang was the captain of the robotics team, a member of the science club, the math team, a volunteer with the Rhode Island Family Literacy Initiative, a math tutor, and a top finisher in the Rhode Island Cyber Foundations Competition.

His hard work at CHSE also led him to several awards. Huang received the Mayoral Citation for volunteering with the Rhode Island Family Literacy Initiative, a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for competing in the Rhode Island Cyber Foundation Competition from Jim Langevin, and a member of National Honor Society.

Emily Bitton

Coming in at number six in her class is Emily Bitton. Bitton achieved this rank by working hard, and participating in a number of activities throughout high school. She was a captain of the varsity soccer team, a member of the varsity lacrosse team, a member of class council and student council, the Bolts Broadcasting Channel, the Chamber Choir, the Rhode Island All-State Mixed Chorus for 2012, the Rhode Island Women’s Chorus for 2013, and the soprano 1 section leader 2012-2013.

It is because of these extracurriculars that Bitton met some of the people who contributed most to her success. She thanks her parents, soccer coaches, lacrosse coaches, and her public speaking teacher for helping her learn and succeed throughout her time at Cranston East. Because of these people, she knew she wanted to have a well rounded education.

“My parents have instilled studious and conscientious qualities in me since I was a child, but I really became motivated to excel in school when I learned that knowledge is the key to success in any field. A broad and extensive education provides infinite options for careers. I set the goal of becoming a pharmacist for myself early on in high school and focused on pursuing that goal specifically for the remainder of high school.”

Bitton will attend Northeastern University and major in pharmacy. There, she will complete the six year pharmacy program and receive her doctoral degree.

Yousef El-Laham

Yousef El-Laham says that his number seven rank in his class can be attributed to his love of competition.

“My motivation to excel certainly derives from my competitive nature. In the beginning of my freshman year, being part of the top ten seemed thousands of miles away. During my sophomore year, I had noticed that I actually did have the potential to make it into the top ten. From that moment on, I put 110% into everything because I wanted to be successful and pass by other peers. I also wanted to prove that if you persevere then you can achieve what you desire.”

El-Laham’s competitive nature gained him recognition from others. He is the recipient of the St. Michael’s Book Award, the American Math Award, the Science Awareness Award, the Spirit of Excellence Award, the Picerne Family Scholarship, the Lorenzo English Scholarship, the Excellence in Spanish Award, and was inducted into the National Honor Society. He was also a member of the science club, and even a competitive bowler. El-Laham participated in bowling competitions locally, regionally, and nationally, and coaches youth bowlers at AMF Cranston Lanes during the summer, where he also works.

El-Laham will attend Stony Brook University this fall, and will major in physics.

Janet Huang

Janet Huang believes that her motivation to succeed and become number eight in her class is due to her heritage.

“Coming from a Chinese speaking household, my parents always wanted me to have a future better than they ever had. They motivated me to reach my greatest potential inside and outside of school and without their support, I would not be where I am today.”

Thanks to this support, Huang excelled and received awards such as the Cranston Teacher’s Alliance award, the Sons of Italy Scholarship, the Spirit of Excellence Award, the Outstanding Business Award, Cranston’s Best and Brightest Award, and even became a member of the National Honor Society.

Huang was also the president of Cranston East’s DECA chapter, a member of FCCLA, PALS, and the Cranston East varsity tennis team.

Huang will attend Bentley University for accounting.

Elizabeth Limiadi

Elizabeth Limiadi is the ninth student in Cranston High School East’s Class of 2013. She has been a recipient of the Louis A. Bruno World Language Award, the Thunderbolt Honor Roll Award, Excellence in Italian Award, the Ross Scholarship, the Thunderbolt Alumni Scholarship, and a member of the National Honor Society.

Limiadi also took part in many extracurricular activities. She was the Vice President of student council her senior year, and was an active member of class council. She was also a member of PALS. It was the people she met through these activities that gave her the opportunity to enjoy high school.

“My parents, my teachers, and my friends contributed greatly to my success and enjoyment of high school. Without the support from my family, my teachers, or friends, I would not have been able to push myself to succeed. All the teachers that I have had the privilege of being taught by have helped and affected my in some way, all in a positive way to guide me for the future. I have learned a little something from each of my friends, who have taught me lessons on how to become a better friend and a better person overall.”

Limiadi will matriculate to the University of New Hampshire in the fall as a nursing major.

Heidi Liebrich

It was during her second year of high school that Heidi Liebrich decided she wanted to excel and be a member of the top ten students in her class.

“During my sophomore year, I set a goal for myself to work my way up into the top ten. I think having something to strive for gave me the push and motivation that I needed to focus and excel.”

Liebrich’s determination gained her the number ten spot in her class. She became a National Honor Society member, and received the National Senior Services Advisory Board Scholarship, as well as the Ross-Simon Scholarship.

She was also a member of various clubs and organizations during her time at CHSE. Liebrich was a member of class council, a math tutor, the Co-President of PALS, and a member of the varsity soccer, swimming, and lacrosse teams. She was a captain of the swimming team.

Liebrich will matriculate to the University of Vermont in the fall with a major in nursing.


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