Special Meeting of the City Council will be held on Monday, April 1, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the City of Cranston Council Chambers, Cranston City Hall, 869 Park Ave., Cranston, RI 02910, for the purpose of considering the following items listed on the agenda. Remote participation is also available by using the logon information provided below as posted on the City’s website at www.cranstonri.gov and Secretary of State’s website at www.sos.ri.gov
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Those participating by telephone who wish to speak during the public hearing are asked to press *9 to “raise hand” to be recognized by the Council President. Those participating via the web may utilize the “raise hand” button.
YouTube Livestream
The meeting will be live streamed on YouTube. Click the link below to view the meeting. You will only be able to watch the proceedings. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtE9vwA1B1PQHuftrNPcZjg.
Note: There will be NO public participation at this meeting.
at which meeting the following items of business shall be transacted:
* These new matters are referred for public hearing to the appropriate sub-committee of the Council. They are listed here for referral to a committee and for informational purposes. While hearing dates before the appropriate sub-committee have been established, they are subject to change. For current information related to hearing dates, the public is encouraged to consult the “City Calendar” feature on the City’s website at *www.cranstonri.org
» Pursuant to Char. §6.03 the City Council welcomes Mayor Kenneth J. Hopkins to deliver his budget message, and to introduce the City’s operating budget for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2024 and ending on June 30, 2025 as follows:
RESOLUTION Adopting the Operating Budget and Salary Schedule for the General Fund, the Sewer Fund, the Insurance Fund and the Capital Budget for the Fiscal Year Commencing July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025 and adopting the Capital Improvement Program for the four succeeding years. * Referred to Special Finance Committee Meetings. (No vote to be taken)
ORDINANCE Making Annual Appropriation for the City of Cranston for the Fiscal Year Commencing July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. *Referred to Special Finance Committee Meetings. (No vote to be taken)
RESOLUTION Levying and Ordering the Assessment and Collection of a Tax on Ratable Real Estate and Tangible Personal Property, pursuant to Charter §6.11. *Referred to Special Finance Committee Meetings. (No vote to be taken)
ORDINANCE Fixing the Date When Taxes Are Assessed, Due and Payable and the Date When Unpaid Taxes Will Carry a Penalty. *Referred to Special Finance Committee Meetings. (No vote to be taken)
Fixing the time and place for public hearings on the Operating and Capital Budgets. (No vote to be taken).
» 2025 Budget Hearing Notice – This notice is attached for informational purposes to provide the public with the dates, time and access to the sub-committee meeting at which each department-level budget will be discussed and at which the public will be heard. Hearing dates are subject to change. Please consult the City website (mentioned previously herein) for updated information. (No vote to be taken)
Kenneth J. Hopkins, Mayor
Individuals requesting interpreter services for the hard of hearing must notify the City Clerk at 461-1000 x-3194, 72 hours prior to meeting.
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