City of Cranston                                                     ORDINANCE ADOPTED


            Pursuant to Section 3.15 of the City Charter, notice is hereby given of the Final Adoption of the following Ordinance.

            Complete copy of the Ordinance is available for public review at the City Clerk’s Office and the Cranston Central Library.

Tracy A. Nelson, CMC
City Clerk


It is Ordained by the City of Cranston City Council as follows:

Section 1.  Chapter 15, Section 15 (Electricity Poles and Wires) is hereby amended by adding the following:

.090 Relocation of Existing Poles

Upon a reasonable demonstration to the Council by an existing property owner that an existing pole interferes with any existing or permitted means of ingress and egress to the owner’s property, which shall include walkways to a door and driveways, a formal request, made by the appropriate department of the City, shall be made of the utility responsible for the pole to move such pole.

It shall be unlawful for any public utility or private company to place any pole, wire or similar infrastructure in a location which substantially interferes with a property owner’s means of ingress and egress to the property.  This includes, but is not limited to, walkways, driveways and/or any other areas of ingress and egress.

.091 Enforcement

Failure of the utility to provide a relocation plan to the Public Works Committee of the Council, to include a date on which the pole will be relocated, within sixty (60) days of the Council finding such relocation reasonable shall subject the utility to a fine of two hundred-fifty ($250) dollars for every day of non-compliance. An inspector in the building department shall be charged with issuing fines and the Cranston Municipal Court shall have authority to adjudicate all enforcement actions in relation thereto.

Upon a determination by the City that said infrastructure impedes ingress and egress as aforesaid, the City shall direct the responsible utility or company to submit a plan to relocate the subject infrastructure.  Said relocation plan shall be filed with the City no later than (60) days after receipt of notice from the City.

Failure of the utility or company to comply with the aforesaid requirement may result in the imposition of a fine in the amount of up to one hundred dollars ($100) for every day that the relocation plan is not filed.

Upon receiving approval of the plan by the City as aforesaid, the utility shall have Sixty (60) days within which to implement said plan and relocate the subject infrastructure.

Failure of the utility company to implement said plan and relocate the subject infrastructure as aforesaid may result in the imposition of a fine in the amount of up to one hundred dollars ($100) per day for every day that the infrastructure is not relocated.

An inspector in the Building Department or Code Enforcement shall be charged with issuing notices of violations which shall be adjudicated by the Cranston Municipal Court.

Section 2.   This ordinance shall take effect upon its final adoption.

Sponsored by Councilman Donegan


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