
“Cranston Print Works Redevelopment
Master Plan – Major Land Development

You are hereby notified that the Cranston City Plan Commission will meet to review the Master Plan for a proposed Major Land Development Project entitled “Cranston Print Works Redevelopment”.  This public informational meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, 6:30 P.M., in the Council Chamber of Cranston City Hall, 869 Park Avenue.

The subject parcel is located at 1381 Cranston Street on Plat 8, Lots 195, 1617 and 2711.  The property owners and applicants are CPW Apartments, LLC and CPW True Storage, LLC, 670 N. Commercial Street, Manchester, NH 03101.  The property is zoned M-1.

The entire parcel comprises 42.10+/- acres and is currently zoned M-1 Industrial and B-2 Residential (portion).  The proposed Major Land Development project consists of plans to convert the existing mill buildings into approximately 129 multi-family units with the addition of self-storage units (see portion of site plan on the back of this page.) An application for a change of zone for a special zoning district to allow the residential uses for the property is pending before the City Council.  The self-storage use is allowed by right in the M-1 zoning district.   

The land development project will be serviced by public water and sewer.

All interested parties are invited to attend this public informational meeting at which plans will be presented for public comment and City Plan Commission review. Plans for this proposed redevelopment will be available to review in person at the Planning Department, Cranston City Hall, between 8:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Additionally, all application materials and staff recommendations will be posted to the Planning Department website prior to public hearing at the following address:

Pursuant to the Cranston Subdivision and Land Development Regulations, the proposed plan may be revised by the City Plan Commission as a result of further study or because of views expressed at this meeting. Individuals requesting interpreter services for the hearing impaired should contact the Planning Department at 401-780-3222, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting date.

  Michael Smith, President
Jason M. Pezzullo, AICP, Planning Director


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