Councilman switches parties

Ferri claims he was under political pressure, ridiculed by Republicans

Posted 4/5/22

City-wide Councilman Robert Ferri will switch political parties in the November election. Ferri, who currently sits on the council as a Republican, announced March 30 that he would pursue his …

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Councilman switches parties

Ferri claims he was under political pressure, ridiculed by Republicans


City-wide Councilman Robert Ferri will switch political parties in the November election. Ferri, who currently sits on the council as a Republican, announced March 30 that he would pursue his reelection bid as a Democrat.

“There have been a number of instances where Mayor Hopkins has brought political pressure to bear upon my vote,” Ferri said in a statement. He said he does not have the support of the Republican Party.

Ferri cited his respect for Council President Chris Paplauskas and Ward 4 Councilman Richard Campopiano for their abilities to lead and not let partisan politics get in the way of progress. He also called out those who allegedly tried influencing his votes.

“As a result of exercising my independence I have been alienated from my own party as lead by Councilman Matt Reilly, who also sits as Republican Party chair. They have led an effort to ostracize and ridicule me for doing my job. Reilly and Hopkins have made it abundantly clear that my presence as a Republican in city politics is unwelcome. I have been told that they and the Republican City Committee intend to work against my bid for reelection,” Ferri said.

Chief of Staff Anthony Moretti said Ferri’s allegations are absurd and that the administration is not aware of any instances of Hopkins bringing political pressure on his vote. Moretti said it would be informative if Ferri included specifics.

“Although unfortunate, I am not surprised to hear that Robert Ferri has decided to leave the Republican Party. Although Mr. Ferri claims to be an independent voice, the reality is that Mr. Ferri has been a rubber stamp for the Democrats since the day he took office. He has worked with ultra-progressive political action groups while refusing multiple meetings with me and my administration to discuss what’s best for the City. The claims that he makes in his statement are completely baseless and his actions have no place in the Cranston Republican Party,” said Hopkins.

The Cranston Republican Party – which is chaired by Councilman Matthew Reilly -- responded to Ferri’s announcement in a press release on March 31; Reilly said it was not a surprise that Ferri chose to run as a Democrat and said Ferri was informed months ago that he would not have the Republican Party’s support in a reelection bid.

“Although Mr. Ferri was elected by Cranston voters as a Republican, after he took office, he immediately showed he was a rubber stamp for the Democrats,” said Reilly.  “He behaved this way not from conviction or principle but due to petty childish spite. Mr. Ferri has never gotten over the fact that Mayor Hopkins won the Republican mayoral primary of 2020. His pettiness and personal political ambition are the real reasons why Mr. Ferri joined the Cranston Democratic  Party. By doing so, Mr. Ferri has made himself beholden to far-left progressives.”

Maria Bucci, chair of the Cranston Democratic City Committee, welcomed Ferri to the Democratic Party.

“Vice-President Ferri has earned our respect while serving on the City Council, showing a deep concern for the residents of our city and the future of our community,” said Bucci. “We admire his ability to put people over politics, which is not easy to do in a city that has long been ruled by party politics and politicians who promote their personal agendas over what is best for our city.”

 “We cannot speak for Bob as to why he chose to change his political affiliation,” Bucci said. “However we certainly support his decision. Our party is focused not on politics but on the things that really matter -- our city services, our schools, our neighborhoods, our local businesses, our infrastructure. These are the things that truly matter to us and to all of you.”

Now that Ferri has declared himself a Democratic candidate, Democrats have the council majority. The City’s charter states that the council president cannot be changed midterm. Additionally, the council president is chosen by the whole council.

Ferri told the Herald on April 4 he is focused on moving forward which is why he changed parties.

“I am confident that I made the correct decision and my entire grieving family is behind me. I feel so much better. Sometimes you have to do what’s going to help you sleep at night,” Ferri said.

Ferri, pressure


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