Cranston teen starts pocket pantry at Cranston East

Posted 3/8/22


Cranston East will have a new food pocket pantry starting March 26, thanks to Cranston West junior George Grammas. This initiative is part of Grammas’s Troop 6 eagle scout …

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Cranston teen starts pocket pantry at Cranston East



Cranston East will have a new food pocket pantry starting March 26, thanks to Cranston West junior George Grammas. This initiative is part of Grammas’s Troop 6 eagle scout project.

“There are a lot of kids that don’t get to have a consistent source of food,” Grammas said, mentioning how students would be able to take food from the pantry for use at school or home.

Grammas has been scouting since age five, noting that it’s been a lot of fun and that he’s met a lot of best friends through scouting. To move up from a boy scout to eagle scout, an individual must complete a service project. Grammas said his dad, who’s a history teacher at Cranston East, suggested the pocket pantry idea.

The pocket pantry will consist of nutritious snacks and drinks, things like granola bars or cans of soup which could be used at home. Grammas spoke with Cranston East Assistant Principal Isa Tejada about the project.

“I think George's project is a great idea and that's the reason I decided to support it,” wrote Tejada in an email interview.

For the past several months, Tejada has provided logistical support – helping Grammas find a place to have the pantry and promoting it with the school community.

“We are still in the process of how the pantry is going to run. Mr. Grammas (George's dad), Mrs. Hitchings (our Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs) and myself have had several conversations about how to run but we do not have anything set yet. We envision having it open after school and perhaps on Saturdays for a few hours so our families can have access,” wrote Tejada in an email interview.

Cranston East Principal Sean Kelly, who knows about his staff members’ work with Grammas, said he is always in favor of initiatives that benefit the school’s families and students.

As for where the pocket pantry will go, Tejada said there is space on the second floor of the main building. They got shelves from Durfee's Hardware at a very good price and will store the food there.

Grammas said the shelving arrived last Thursday.

On March 26, Grammas and a few boy and eagle scouts will help him set up the pocket pantry.

Cranston West Principal Tom Barbieri spoke to Grammas’s actions.
“George is an example of a student going above and beyond,” said Barbieri.

Barbieri said in his graduation speech, he always asks students to do three things with one of them being to come back and give back to your community.

He is happy to see that Grammas is doing that right now.

Grammas has already received some donations and said anyone with donations for the food pocket pantry can drop items off at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church at 175 Oaklawn Ave., Cranston with a label for George Grammas. There will also be a donation box at City Hall. Lastly, individuals can email Grammas at and he can pick up the items from individuals’ houses.

teen, pocket pantry


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