Keyword: 60s
60 results total, viewing 1 - 20
This year my youngest granddaughter, Sidney is really questioning whether Santa exists. She just turned ten.  Sidney is that magical little child who delights in everything.  Her smiles and … more
Over the years I've had lots of kinds of Thanksgiving celebrations. I grew up with 4 siblings, so every Thanksgivings was full of fun and lots of yummy food. I remember my mom dressing us up, one … more
How to combat the daylight-saving time blues! It’s that time of year.  It’s dark by 4:30. Many people feel depressed.  This is a thing, called SAD or seasonal affective … more
Thank-God, this week marks the end of this election season. I will be so happy to not have to listen to ad after ad, stretching the truth to make their point.  I’ve never been so aware … more
I have a suite in my home that I use for short term rentals. I really enjoy hosting and try to make each of my guests' stay wonderful. I offer lots of recommendations to my guests. I check on the … more
Don’t get me wrong, I love fall.  But as we turn the corner into September, there is still one third of summer left.  Everywhere you go all you see are fall and Halloween … more
I really appreciate where I live in July.  Mike and I sit outside and watch the boats come in and out of Warwick Cove.  We love hearing the music and laughter from the boats.  … more
My mom had been suffering from COPD for years.  When Covid happened she really got scared.  She knew that it would be detrimental to her health if she was to contract it.  Because of … more
You’ve heard it before, Rhode Island is the “Fun Size State” You can travel across the smallest state in the union, in under one hour!  With gas prices soaring, now is a great … more
This past week, I’ve been watching my 4 grandkids.  It’s been one heck of a week!  Lots of cooking, which I love. Of course, I had to make my meatballs and artesian bread … more
I love spring and summer.  As soon as the weather breaks, you can find me in my yard.  It is so relaxing and rewarding to weed, rake and clean up the damage from the fall and winter … more
This saying is true in lots of circumstances.  Certainly, it’s best when you are driving, starting a new relationship, or deciding on a big purchase.  It’s also true for … more
It’s that time of year.  The birds are singing, buds are appearing on trees and daffodils and tulips are in bloom.  It’s hard to not get too excited and start planting … more
This spring I’m changing it up.  I’ve had a garden since I was in my thirties.  I love everything about gardening. Digging up the soil, carefully placing the plants and … more
I love spring.  The trees are budding.  Tulips, daffodils, and forsythia are among the many beautiful flowers that are popping up.  Unfortunately, with all of that, comes … more
There’s a new crime that has been on the rise since Covid.  It’s called mail-fishing.  What exactly is it?  People are going to mailboxes and taking mail out of … more
It’s supposed to be that March come in like a lion and out like a lamb, but this year is different.  As I sit here it is 26 degrees out.  I know that this too shall pass, but … more
Today is the first day of my 11-day shred.  A bunch of us have an online group that meets and set goals.  The reason for the group is that it’s a proven fact that sharing your goals … more
Spring is right around the corner. Recently I took a trip to Virginia Beach.  It was a great preview to spring, with daffodils blooming and greenery everywhere.  I loved it! What I … more
A walk to the local marina this warm February morning showed signs that spring is close by. The sun was out, and the birds were chirping. Peepers start vocalizing so early in the spring that they … more
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