Keyword: pool
31 results total, viewing 1 - 20
The city has awarded a more than $4 million bid to demolish and rebuild the Budlong Pool, and has set an expected 2025 completion date. “News of the bid awarded for the Budlong Pool has … more
Cranston YMCA held a surprise 101st birthday party for Frank Mancini, 101, on May 3. His grandkids told him they were dropping him off and leaving, but they stayed. Mancini was given a … more
A final hurdle was passed for Cranston City Hall in January for the Budlong Pool project to begin the bidding process for construction, according to a letter obtained by the Herald. On January … more
To the Editor, As a 30+ year Cranston resident and independent voter, the last 4 years under the Hopkins administration have been disappointing, humiliating and more like having a bully in the … more
After more than two years of debate, the mayor’s vision of Budlong Pool is entering the bidding process. Mayor Kenneth Hopkins has commissioned a request for proposal, which is currently … more
Dear Editor: In Councilman Bob Ferri’s political newsletter issued after the recent council meeting, he continues to show a fundamental lack of understanding of government procurement and … more
Mayor Ken Hopkins has released an official statement that he will be moving ahead with the construction of an 8,000 square foot pool to replace the current 22,000 square foot Budlong Pool after years … more
Cranston Mayor Kenneth J. Hopkins has announced that his administration is moving forward with final design and specifications to seek bids for the construction of a new Budlong Pool complex. … more
To the editor, After reading last week’s article about the continuing Budlong Pool saga, I wanted to make some corrections and clarifications to the Mayor’s error-filled presentation … more
 As another summer ends with Budlong Pool still closed, Mayor Ken Hopkins held a public forum on Wednesday Sept. 6 for people of the city and members of City Council to voice opinions, concerns … more
Robert Lancia, candidate for City Council, Ward 6,  is calling on the Mayor to do better. “It’s my belief after researching the issue and listening to the current City leaders about … more
On August 23 Cranston Mayor Ken Hopkins announced intentions to hold a public forum regarding the state of Budlong Pool in the Cranston High School East auditorium on September 6 beginning at 6:00 … more
“Over the last 2 months I have walked the neighborhoods of the 6th ward and have had an opportunity to speak to many people about the closed Budlong Pool. Several points have been made … more
At noon on Tuesday, July 24, a group of Cranston residents and City Council members delivered a 1,940 signature petition supporting the repair of Budlong Pool and asking that it maintain its current … more
Thank you for your consideration. I read with great interest your article about the Top Golf and Itri Square projects and how wonderfully the whole process was executed. (6/28/2023) However, I … more
Budlong Pool was front and center at the City Council’s Monday night meeting June 26…again. Residents stepped forward to ask that the pool retain its current dimensions. Chief of … more
Mayor Kenneth J. Hopkins has written to Council President Jessica Marino to express disappointment and frustration over the lack of Democratic support and timely review of his proposed plans and … more
The Finance committee voted to continue discussion of an ordinance to spend $350,000 of American Rescue Plan Act Grant (ARPA) Funds to pay for engineering design and development costs regarding … more
With the third largest swimming pool in the country as a backdrop, Mayor Ken Hopkins disclosed Monday a plan to redesign Budlong Pool and his intention to put the $3.5 million necessary for phase one … more
After pressure from the City Council to speed up renovation plans for Budlong Pool, Mayor Ken Hopkins has agreed to reduce the plans for renovation to just the pool and bathhouse which was announced … more
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