Keyword: war
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STORY OF THE WEEK: Back in the day, the approach of the end of February would signal the time for the Providence Newspaper Guild Follies – the bygone annual satiric sendup of the year in Rhode … more
STORY OF THE WEEK: In 1997, when Jack Reed first joined the U.S. Senate, the Cold War had ended and 9/11 had not yet happened. A quarter-century later, the world is a very different place, with a … more
Sons of the Union Civil War Veterans, Camp 7, replaced American flags at all Civil War veterans’ headstones. (Herald photos by Steve Popiel) more
By KELLY SULLIVAN William Henry Sefton was only 2 years old when his family left Manchester, England and made the eight-day journey to America aboard the Ivernia. He docked in Boston with his father, William Henry Sr., and his mother, Amy (Hughes). They more
By NANCY HOUSTON As my husband and I were taking our daily walk in Roger Williams Park the other day, our route took us past the statue of Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski, founder of the U.S. Cavalry. He cut a heroic figure with one arm outstretched, more