Keyword: Budlong Pool
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Thank you for your consideration. I read with great interest your article about the Top Golf and Itri Square projects and how wonderfully the whole process was executed. (6/28/2023) However, I … more
Where to find the money to repair Budlong Pool has been a topic of discussion for the past several months after it was determined the pool would not open this year due to safety concerns. … more
To the Editor, It’s too quiet at the old Budlong pool these days. Sounds of five year olds shouting, “Look, Ma!” are missing and may become only faded memories. For nearly a … more
By EMMA BARTLETT Cranston resident Gary Hafferty has fond memories of Budlong Pool. It was the place he learned to swim, hung out with friends during the summer and was the pool his two children … more
After receiving an engineering and structural report showing Budlong Pool is in disrepair, the administration has moved to modernize the facility by reducing the size of the pool, adding a splash pad … more