Bochner books helps families with self-defense

Meri R. Kennedy
Posted 9/14/11

Marc Bochner, 28, of Cranston, owner of the Academy of Kuntao Jiu-Jitsu: Realistic Self-Defense Training Center has published his third self-defense book – this one geared toward parents and their …

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Bochner books helps families with self-defense


Marc Bochner, 28, of Cranston, owner of the Academy of Kuntao Jiu-Jitsu: Realistic Self-Defense Training Center has published his third self-defense book – this one geared toward parents and their children.

The book, “Realistic Self-Defense for Parents, Children, and Adolescents,” started out as the official training manual for his students, but expanded its focus so children could learn to defend themselves without formal martial arts training.

In a society where approximately 800,000 children younger than 18 are reported missing each year, and 2,200 are reported missing each day, Bochner’s expertise is a welcome companion for parents concerned about the safety of their children. The book educates children on how to stay safe, avoid dangerous situations and, if necessary, physically defend themselves.

“In discussions with my friend and editor Kendra Durney, we felt we could help more people if we expanded the target audience. Now the book applies to all parents and children,” said Bochner.

In writing this book, Bochner drew from his 20 years of martial arts training, 12 years of teaching and a Doctorate in physical therapy (URI 2009).

“I knew the importance of this topic. With all the news about children being abducted, the rise of bullying, and the Internet, children have more dangers than I had growing up. I knew I had to get this right,” said Bochner.

After three years of writing, editing and incorporating computer-generated images designed by J Bennett of TS-Designs, Bochner’s manuscript is now available worldwide on

The book is a comprehensive self-defense manual that is designed for use by parents and their children.

The 290 pages review topics such as awareness, intuition, instincts, verbal defusing and physical defense from punches, chokes, grabs and ground situations. Additional topics include strategies to deal with bullies, Internet safety and scenario-based defenses in settings like the schoolyard or riding a bike around the neighborhood.

“Realistic Self-Defense for Parents, Children, and Adolescents” features more than 500 images depicting self-defense tactics. Self-defense techniques are effective against an adult or adolescent adversary, and no prior martial arts or self-defense training is needed. The guide allows families to learn in the comfort of their home.

“If my book manages to prevent abduction, or saves the life of a child, then all the time, effort and thought was well worth it,” said Bochner.

“Realistic Self-Defense for Parents, Children, and Adolescents” is available on for $24.95. Bochner’s martial arts school, the Academy of Kuntao Jiu-Jitsu, is located on 855 Dyer Avenue in Cranston.

Bochner’s other two published books, “Kuntao Jiu-Jitsu: Your Guide to Realistic Self Defense and Street Survival” and “Kuntao Jiu-Jitsu: Immediate Survival: A Realistic Self-Defense "Crash Course" For Men and Women” are also still available.

Anyone who purchases the manual on can bring the receipt to the dojo and use the cost of the book ($24.95) toward the first month of training. For more information on Marc Bochner and his self-defense books and DVDs, visit


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