Joining the fight

Eden Park comes together to support Carreiro

Posted 5/23/12

When the news hit Eden Park Elementary School that one of their students…

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Joining the fight

Eden Park comes together to support Carreiro


When the news hit Eden Park Elementary School that one of their students, Kelsey Carreiro, was fighting a life-threatening disease, Eden Park decided to join in the fight too. Carreiro, a sixth grader at the school, has been working from home during her treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma, but her classmates and the rest of the Eden Park community are working hard on her behalf, helping the Carreiro family as much as possible.

Next month, there will be a school-wide walk-a-thon to raise money for the family, which also includes three other sisters, two of whom attend school at Eden Park, and a 3-year-old daughter. Additionally, the school has had "Eden Park Fights Back" purple T-shirts made, and purple bracelets. Purple is the color that represents Hodgkin's Lymphoma, but it's also Carreiro’s favorite color.

The sixth grade classes have been working during recess and after school to create handmade beaded bracelets, earrings and key chains to make and sell. The shirts are selling for $10 apiece, while the purple bracelets and other items are all selling for $1 each.

"They are such a great family, such good people and she has an incredible attitude," said teacher Ann Marie Torres. "I can only hope to be that strong. No 12-year-old should have to deal with this.”

Torres said the entire school has been very supportive of the Carreiro family, chipping in for various needs that have come up along the way so far.

Principal Cheryl Anderson agreed, saying that she is pleased with how her school community has pulled together to help one of their own in such a time of need.

"The Eden Park community is a family. When a family member is in need, the community of teachers, staff, students and parents come together to show their strength and generosity," Anderson said. "Kelsey's classmates and teachers are leading the effort to support her in many different ways. There isn't a day goes by that she isn't thought of. Children are constantly sending their well wishes so she knows they care about her. I am so proud of them."

Carreiro is thankful for the support of her Eden Park family.

"I really appreciate what everyone is doing for me. I've learned that it's really important to stay strong and I thank everyone for supporting me," she said.

A district-wide dress down day will be held on June 1, and the school is currently collecting items that can be put into gift baskets for the family (grocery gift cards, gas cards, store and restaurant gift cards as well as items for the children). Anyone interested in purchasing a T-shirt, bracelet or handmade items, or in donating items for the gift baskets, may contact the school at 270-8029.


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