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No one can refute EITHER candidates past and their lack of ethics and morals. Honestly, I am struggling with this election and will probably do so until I enter the booth only to immediately regret my decision. I hate what we have been given for options.

That being said, as a mother of 2 daughters and a female myself, I have an extreme aversion to anything Trump. This did not start during this election. It started decades ago as I saw how he spoke on talk shows and any time a microphone was shoved into his face. He is a man with no respect for women except as someone to fulfill a physical need, regardless of consent apparently. I can't get past it and I can't go over it. I have never liked this man. And yet I cannot get behind Hillary either.

The American people are the real casualty in this election year. It shouldn't have come down to these two. I am disgusted by our politicians and politics. There simply has to be a better way.

From: The real choice

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