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I agree the location is an eye sore but killing 4 small businesses is not a good solution.

Mayor Fung has recently stated how his parents came to this country 50 years ago with hopes and beliefs in the American dream, building this Cumberland Farms would destroy that hope for 4 immigrant families, if not more, who own small businesses within .5 mile of this location.

No one can compete with a 16.5 billion dollar a year company. CF will monopolize the gas station and convenient store industry within this area, forcing many to shut their doors for good.

I encourage change in the location but something that will not be this detrimental to so many. Before supporting CF, think deeply into whether you believe it is right to take this American dream away from hard working, tax paying Cranstonians. These people have been year for 20+ years.

From: Cumberland Farms revives plan for store at Park, Warwick Ave.

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