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Way to speak out for the most vulnerable, Dennis! I am grateful men like you are having the bravery and courage to speak out. Killing animals is not a sport, it's violence. Children do not need to be shown how to be toxic- especially boys. The taking of an animals' live to prove one's "butchness" is a sociopathic behavior. I know this is often rewarded as a sign of toughness, but it is really ignorance and disconnect. Animals deserve to live, they don't want to be maimed or killed, and to demonstrate acts of severe detachment, of how to NOT have empathy destroys any hope for a peaceful world. I congratulate you Dennis. And for those who would try and inflict violence on any individual be they human or non- your time will come to an end and you will have to explain your actions. Activists like me and millions of others are bringing the right of personhood to animals which will l make it illegal to murder so that they are protected and violent offenders prosecuted. You might have the ability to commit state-sanctioned murder, but your descendants will not.

From: Turkey hunt sends wrong message to children

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