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Bob, your remarkable 22% of the vote for governor of Rhode Island was a catharsis for all those voters utterly frustrated with establishment politicians. Earlier there was a sinister plot to keep you off the ballot . The health of what remains of our " democracy " was far more important than the fate of the usually hapless Republican candidate. Both Raimondo and Fung claimed the other was a captive of " special interests ". The old socialist in me fails to see much difference between Wall Street bankers and Main Street bankers. There was equal fawning over phony JOB CREATORS. Too much ridiculous image making. Union bosses were abject bootlickers of entrenched Democrats. If they had any backbone,they would have broken with Democratic party long ago and organized the equivalent of the British Labor Party.

The pragmatist in me would give ALL your ideas a chance. I nominate you right now for Rhode Island Marijuana Czar. But my own leftist ideas made me put a WRITE IN VOTE for Mother Teresa. I am no fan of Bishop Tobin but I like Pope Francis and the benign social philosophy of the Catholic Church. ( no guy who was young in the tumultuous 60s would object to your beard. I cannot imagine a clean shaven Allen Ginsberg reciting " Howl ").

I do think it is quite possible to create thousands of needed jobs here in Rhode Island without the " magic " of parasite capitalists. There was a time in the springtime of humanity when our happy hunter-farmer ancestors NEVER looked or begged for a JOB. The Good Earth was still theirs ! THANK YOU, Bob !

From: 4 ideas to restore Rhode Island prosperity

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